Dr. Denni Mammen

Assistant Professor, SS

Areas of Research

Phytochemistry, Pharmacognosy, Method development and validation on analytical instruments.


Dr.Denni Mammen has completed both his graduation in Chemistry (2004) and post-graduation (2016) in the subject of Organic Chemistry from The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda with First class Honours. He then went ahead to complete his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from University of Mumbai at Guru Nanak Institute of Research And Development, Guru Nanak Khalsa college, Matunga, Mumbai. He was awarded his Ph. D. Degree in 2011 for his work on natural product chemistry and pharmacognosy of medicinal plants.

  1. Monographs on certain species of Leptadenia, Aervaand Hedyotis. (Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy). Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Saarbrűcken, Germany (2012).
  2. Analytical Methods for Medicinal Plants and Economic Botany.Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India. (2016).
  1. Denni Mammen and RC Tandel. Synthesis and study of some compounds containing oxazolone ring, showing biological activity. Indian Journal of Chemistry; 47B: pp 574-579. (2008)
  2. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Phytochemical investigation of water soluble phytoconstituents of Leptadeniareticulata(Retz.) Wight &Arn. Int. J. Res. Pharm.Sci., 1(4); 486-489. (2010)
  3. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Seasonal and geographical variations in chemical constituents of Leptadeniareticulata. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res., 4(2); 111-116. (2010)
  4. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT.Variations in values of proximate analysis inAervalanataJussexSchultes, Hedyotiscorymbosa (L.) Lam. and Leptadeniareticulata (Retz.) W. &A. Int. J. Pharm. Bio Sci., 1(4); 629-636. (2010)
  5. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Identification of pharmacognostic and phytochemical biomarkers to distinguish between Hedyotiscorymbosa(L.) Lam. and its adulterant, Glinusoppositifolius (L.) A. DC. Res J. Pharm. Bio. Chem. Sci., 2(1); 649-656. (2010)
  6. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Pharmacognostic and phytochemical studies on Leptadeniareticulata (Retz.) Wight and Arn. andIchnocarpusfrutescens R. Br. for identification of distinguishing biomarkers. Pharmacognosy Journal, 2 (18); 7-12. (2010)
  7. Zunjar V, Mammen D, Trivedi B, Daniel M. Pharmacognostic, Phytochemical and Phytochemicals studies on Carica papaya Linn. leaves.Pharmacognosy Journal, 3(20); 5-8. (2011)
  8. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Seasonal and geographical variation in the HPTLC fingerprints of Hedyotiscorymbosa. Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Sciences, 33 (2); 133-138. (2011)
  9. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Rapid and parallel analysis using HPTLC to detect seasonal and geographical variation inAervalanataJuss. exSchultes. Journalof Planar Chromatography. 24(5); 388-393. (2011)
  10. Mammen D, Sandhya B and Sane RT. An investigation to the variation in constituents in the fruits of TerminaliachebulaRetz., at different maturity stages. Int. J. Pharm. Biosci. 3 (1); 416-419. (2012)
  11. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Anatomy and pharmacognosy of Leptadeniareticulata, a medicinally important plant of India. ActaBotanicaHungarica. 54 (1); 91-102. (2012)
  12. Mammen D and Sane RT. Identification and characterization of a betacyanin pigment from the semi-arid plant AervalanataJuss ex Schultes. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biosciences. 3 (1); 212-214. (2012)
  13. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Studies on the phytochemical variation in the aqueous extracts of AervalanataJussexSchultes, Hedyotiscorymbosa (L.) Lam., and Leptadeniareticulata (Retz.) W. & A. International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences. 3 (1); 212-214. (2012)
  14. Mammen D and Daniel M. A critical evaluation on the reliability of two aluminium chloride chelation methods for quantification of flavonoids. Food Chemistry. 135; 1365-1368. (2012)
  15. Kiran P, Mammen D and Daniel M. Ecdysterone, phospholipids and phenolics in the seeds of AmaranthushypochondriacusLinn. FonsScientia Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 1(3); 68-69. (2012)
  16. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Pharmacognosy of Hedyotiscorymbosa(L.) Lam. The Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 1(4); 584-589. (2012)
  17. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. Identification of pharmacognostic and phytochemical biomarkers to distinguish between AervalanataJuss ex Schultes and its substitute, Nothosaervabrachiata(L.) W. & A. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 4(3); 116-119. (2012)
  18. Dipa C, Mammen D and Daniel M. Polyphenols, phospholipids and fixed oil composition of pearl millet (Pennisetumglaucum(L.) R. Br.). International Journal of Pharmacy and Life Sciences. 3(11); 2098-2101. (2012)
  19. Mammen D and Daniel M. Volatile oils and flavones of StemodiaviscosaRoxb. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education and Research. 2(4); 221-224. (2012)
  20. Mammen D, Daniel M and Sane RT. On the anatomical features of the semi arid plant Aervalanata. Universal Journal of Pharmacy. 2(3); 94-97. (2013)
  21. Mammen D and Daniel M. Yellow and white variants of Aervalanata; A phytochemical variation study. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 3(7); 1-3. (2013)
  22. Mammen D and Daniel M. A critical review on the pharmacognosy and chemistry of the fruiting spikes of Piper longum L. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 4(3); 429-432. (2014)
  23. Zunjar V, Mammen D, Trivedi B, Daniel M. Antioxidant activities and phenolics profiling of different parts of Carica papaya by LCMS-MS. Natural Product Research. 29(22), 2097-2099. (2015)
  24. B G Sharma, Mammen D and S Albert. Assessment of Mangiferin in 30 varieties of Mangiferaindica. International Journal of Pharmacognosy. 4(5), 169-173. (2017)